ERASMUS+ Project N° 2022-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000088591
Raising Awareness for Dementia in Deaf Older Adults in Europe

What is the De-Sign Project?
The De-Sign project is a project funded from the European Union and aims at raising awareness about Dementia in Deaf older Adults in Europe. It has three year duration and four Countries participate in it: Germany, Austria, Greece and Italy.
Our team aims to inform Deaf people about Dementia and help them gain a better understanding about what is dementia, what are the symptoms of dementia and where a Deaf person with Dementia could turn to for diagnoses and support. We also aim to raise awareness in the medical community about the needs of Deaf patients so that we will facilitate Deaf people’s access to healthcare services.
Deaf and hearing members of our team works together and we are doing research about Deaf people with Dementia, visit Deaf clubs to raise awareness in the Deaf community, do research presentations in European and Wolrd Conferences to raise awareness in the medical community, we are preparing videos in Sign Language to spread the word and much more!
The project aims
to address the intersection of culture and disability by developing a comprehensive method for dementia screening in older Deaf adults in Austrian and Greek Sign Languages, alongside a non-formal educational program for the Deaf community and experts.

promoting and highlighting dementia awareness in the Deaf Community

familiarizing experts with the screening test and its functionalities

disseminating the screening test to the Deaf community

raising awareness among experts and the Deaf community about Deaf culture, dementia, as well as about the importance its early screening in Deaf older adults

performing a pilot non-formal training on the test and its functionalities to native fluent GSL signers that are not experts in order to upskill the Greek Deaf Community with skills and knowledge that will promote their well-being.

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